Today is Read Across America Day, designated each year by the National Educators’ Association on Dr. Seuss’s birthday to call attention to reading and literacy. This year there’s even more attention being focused on the event, as today is the official opening day of the movie, “The Lorax.” Check out the trailer for more info on the film.
My daughter recently read the book with a group of 4th and 5th graders at our local elementary school. The kids talked about the author, who was born in 1094 in Springfield, Massachusetts. They to responded to questions like:
- The Lorax says he speaks for the trees. What does this mean to you?
- Why is it important to speak up for others?
- Have you ever spoken up for someone else? Has someone else ever spoken up for you?
- If you had the only Truffula seed given to you, what would you do?
Their answers showed how thoughtful young people can be about big issues. And they saw how discussing something you read can give you a different perspective on issues when you hear how others viewed the same thing you did.
Today, I’m finishing up a book for my next book club selection. We’re meeting tomorrow to discuss That Used to Be Us by Thomas Friedman and Michael Mandelbaum. While it’s not nearly as fun to read as The Lorax, I expect a huge discussion about important issues facing our country. I know our group members hold diverse political and personal views, and those differing views will probably enhance what we each thought as we were reading.
Whatever you’re reading on this day dedicated to reading and books, take some time to talk to someone you’re close to about it. Even if you’re not in a book club, you may be surprised to find out how your perspective on what you read is enhanced by discussing with even one other person.