Harry is a fox who lives in Foxboro during a time of deprivation. Winter has been harsh, and food is scarce. His brother, Isaac, leads the government, and while the two haven’t gotten along since childhood, Isaac is entrusting Harry with the task of finding an old fortress reputedly full of rabbits.
Quentin is a rabbit who lives in the fortress. Strange disappearances have been occurring in his world, and his government is enacting strict laws to enforce security. When he runs into a childhood nemesis who is now his superior on guard duty, Quentin knows he must find a way to escape.
Harry and Quentin are both animals working to solve a mystery and fight for their survival. Each much discover what he believes in and define why he believes himself to be moral.
A Taste for Rabbit by Linda Zuckerman has many moral issues to ponder. What are you willing to do if you’re hungry or need to feed a family? When is it okay to kill other animals for food? How can you determine who to trust? Mother-daughter book clubs with girls aged 14 and up should find a lot to talk about.