This review came in from a daughter who recommends it highly.
I read the book Chasing the Falconers by Gordon Korman. This book took place in a juvenile detention center called Sunnydale Farm (which wounded up not being so sunny to the kids). “In the middle of nowhere” stated Aiden Falconer in the book. My inference is that the book takes place in present day. The two main characters are Aiden and Meg Falconer. Meg Falconer is 11 years old and has been stuck in juvenile because of her parents. She is devoted and will do anything to free her parents from jail and clear the Falconer name. She is also brave and lonely (other than her brother). Aiden Falconer is also persistent to pursue any task he is given. Aiden is 15 years old but in many cases he disguises him self as an older male, not revealing his identity.
At the beginning of the book the Falconer siblings lived at a Sunnydale Farm. They are there because their parents have been accused of working with terrorists, and they wanted to keep the kids safe. One night Aiden accidently sets the barn on fire with a kerosene lamp, and since the ground was so dry the whole farm immediately flew up in flames. Ever since the fire Aiden and Meg have been on the run trying to prove their parents’ innocence.
For example the kids in the book are masterminds at scheming and planning escapes like when they snuck out of a highway covered with suspicious cops. Also another time when they colored their hair to fool the police that they were not themselves. Even though they used their father’s book to help guide them I still can’t believe that, that much intelligence could come from two kids. — Emily B., Acton, Massachusetts