Tweet Last night Catherine and I hosted our book club (9th grade girls) to talk about The Egg and I by Betty MacDonald. A classic book first published in 1947, The Egg and I tells the story of life for … Continue reading
Category Archives: History
Tweet I’ve been reading a book by Sara Roahen called Gumbo Tales: Finding My Place at the New Orleans Table by Sara Roahen. It’s full of stories of food from New Orleans—things like gumbo, sno-balls, muffalettas, and so much more. … Continue reading
Tweet West with the Night, a memoir by Beryl Markham, is one of my all time favorite books to read. Both for the glimpse it gives into life in Africa during the early decades of the 20th century, and for … Continue reading
Tweet My seventh-grade daughter, Catherine, and I read this collection of war diaries from World War I to Iraq for our book club. We read it aloud together, and I’m glad we did. It gave us a chance to talk … Continue reading