Two girls in mother-daughter book clubs sent in their reviews of Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen.
Flipped was a fabulous book that I genuinely enjoyed reading. It was fun, captivating and easy to relate to. Wendelin Van Draanen so wonderfully expressed moments in the lives of kids and wrote it in a unique style. I couldn’t put it down. Each chapter told the same event, but from both the main characters’ points of view, which just pulled me in and never put me down! As the kids grow older, an unreturned adoration is flipped and holds you emotionally until the very last word. — Franny S., Portland, Oregon
I really enjoyed reading Flipped. The author, Wendelin Van Draanen is very good at writing with expression and makes you feel like you’re there. I could totally relate to some of the things she wrote about. I like her style of writing very much and I think that this book is hilarious and very entertaining. I also liked the way she formatted the book; how she had Bryce, the boy in the story sometimes speaking, and other times Juliana, the girl in the story sometimes speaking. This book also had many surprising twists to it making it so that I couldn’t put it down. I could read it again and again. If you’re looking for a quick, funny, and entertaining book then look no further because it’s here. – Makena, age 12