Nina Peanut loves making videos that involve potatoes and bananas and tips on how not to step in dog poop. She posts her videos online, where she has two people following her: her best friend Brian and her grandma.
Megan also posts videos online. Mostly about her super-cute pup doing tricks. Megan is popular, with lots of followers and Nina wants to have that too. When the two are paired together to make a video for class it’s no surprise when their styles clash. But Nina becomes more like Megan to gain popularity, which pushes her friendship with Brian to the background. Can Nina figure out how to focus on what’s important while also making room for new experiences in her life?
Nina Peanut: Creative Genius by Sarah Bowie tells Nina’s story in graphic novel diary-format. Nina is delightfully unselfconscious about her quirks and goof-ups. She’s also a sympathetic character in hoping to be popular while also wanting to stay true to her own style. The illustrations are fun and whimsical. Plus Nina has a cat who becomes famous for dong nothing and Megan has a dog who is a whiz at performing tricks. It’s all a lot of fun.
Nina Peanut will have readers laughing at Nina’s foibles and the ways she gets out of them. I recommend it for ages 8 to 11.
The publisher provided a copy of this title in exchange for my honest review.