Lola Meets the Bees by Anna McQuinn is a cute picture book that teaches little ones about honeybees. It starts when Lola visits her mom’s friend Zora, who keeps bees on the rooftop of her home in the city. She sees bees flitting from flower to flower, spreading pollen as they go.
Lola learns that bees don’t sting unless you threaten their babies, which are inside the hive. She wears a special suit to keep her safe when looking inside. Zora teaches Lola about how the hive boxes are put together and where the bees store honey. Lola gets to taste some of the yummy honey Zora has collected.
When her trip is over, Lola wants to know how she can help the bees at her own house and takes some seeds to plant flowers of her own. The story is a great way to show children how they can do things to help the natural world even if they live in an urban area.
Illustrations by Rosalind Beardshaw are bright and cheerful. Lola Meets the Bees may just inspire kids and their parents to check out the whole series of stories featuring Lola.
The publisher provided a copy of this title in exchange for my honest review.