The Stars We Steal by Alexa Donne is set during a time in the future, long after another ice age has made Earth uninhabitable. Princess Leonie lives on a spaceship with her family, hanging onto their fading fortunes and doing her best to avoid an arranged marriage to boost their finances. They are part of a society created when humans had to flee Earth, and they are trying to survive and thrive until the time comes when they may be able to return. But there are complications.
Leo still pines for Elliot, a rejected suitor from the past whom she still loves, although she knows he’s keeping secrets from her. And she has to juggle her father’s decline since her mother’s death, her sister’s love of an unsuitable man, and a controlling aunt who wants to manipulate them all. The story feels in many ways like a futuristic adaptation of Jane Austen’s Persuasion, with its rejected love, family agendas, and proscribed expectations.
The Stars We Steal is fun to read and will keep readers entertained until the last page. I highly recommend it for ages 14 and up.
The publisher provided me with a copy of this title in exchange for my honest review.