I’m often asked how working moms can fit being in a mother-daughter book club into their already busy schedules. It is a challenge, but it can be done and I believe the rewards are well worth the effort. Most of the moms in my two book clubs work full or part-time. And most of the moms I interviewed for Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Mother-Daughter Book Clubs work as professionals too. Here are a few tips to make sure book club doesn’t become just one more thing to stress about.
- Get the book soon after it’s assigned. If the library doesn’t have a copy in, you can put it on hold and have it sent to your local branch. If you prefer to purchase your books, buy it as soon after you know what you’ll be reading as possible.
- Make reading your book club selection part of the time you spend with your daughter. If you read out loud to her, it lets you schedule time in your busy day to connect one-on-one with your daughter.
- If you host book club at your house, enlist help to get ready. Even if your daughter is young, it’s likely she can help you tidy the house or put food out.
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Do you have other children who will need looking after while you’re at your book club? See if you can arrange a regular sitter to help out on meeting nights. Do you need to drive straight from work to be at the meeting? Ask if someone else in the group can bring your daughter.
- Set a regular meeting date, like the first Monday of the month or the third Thursday. This will help you plan around other events you need to schedule.
If being in a book club with your daughter is a priority, finding ways to make it work will be easier for you.