Quite a few readers wrote in with reviews of Red: The Next Generation of American Writers—Teenage Girls—On What First Up Their Lives Today. The book was edited by Amy Goldwasser.
This is the best book I’ve ever read that gives one a rare and true glimpse into the hearts and minds of teenage girls today! The book is a bridge that allows moms to cross over into the lives of their daughters in ways never before documented. A MUST READ for all moms and daughters! – Michele C.
A Mother’s Review
The cover of this book called to me—especially this line of the subtitle: /the next generation of great American writers—teenage girls./ How thrilling to FINALLY see teenage girls getting their literary due. I started reading Red at the bookstore and was, quite simply, blown away. Whether writing about war, fat, boys, prejudice or their hair, these girls’ words are raw, true, searing and their stories should be heard—and shared—by mothers and daughters. I salute Amy Goldwasser for gathering these voices and putting them out into the world – Lori L., Brooklyn, New York
A Mother’s Review
The young women today are so fearless and candid. I couldn’t believe the stories were written by teenagers. Can’t wait to see what else these writers have to say in the near future! – Sandra F.
A Mother’s Review
I really looked forward to reading Red with my 12-year old daughter, and I was not disappointed! Each day after school we would settle in and then take turns reading the essays. Some were funny, some sad and some heartbreaking, but all felt very true and real. I feel fortunate to have had a unique opportunity to share this book with my pre-teen daughter as now I am much better prepared to understand the teen girl psyche. But more than that, reading these words together has created a deeper sense of trust and intimacy and I feel my daughter will not be scared or reluctant to talk to me about some of these issues in the future. I would love to see a book of essays by these girls when they turn 21. – Dorene O., West Bloomfield, Michigan
A Daughter’s Review
I felt that this book connected my mom and me a little more. Before we started reading Red together, I thought she didn’t understand the life of a teenage girl very well, in my case a pre-teen. (Life for us girls can be pretty difficult, and there is this wonderful book to prove just that.) Once we finished all the funny, sad, and interesting essays, I think my mom better understood the lives of young girls today, and I saw that I wasn’t alone in some of my experiences, especially at school and with friends. After reading this book I realized how different girls can be and I think I understand why they act the way they do. I know I will read this book again when I get older. I ♥ Red! – Hadley O., West Bloomfield, Michigan
A Mother’s Review
I am a new step-mother to a young teenage girl. Not only are there the normal “teenage issues” but compound those issues with a new family unit and a longing for bio-mom and daddy to get back together and you have one emotional young girl! I pre-ordered this book and gave it to my step-daughter as soon as it arrived. She did not say a whole lot other than the barely audible “thanks.” However, about a week later my husband came home from a visit. She wanted him to let me know how much she is enjoying the book and sharing it with her friends. She really likes it! The stories hit home and resonate with her! This has opened the door for me to engage in dialogue with her surrounding those stories: What in particular did she like? Which stories was she drawn to and what did those stories mean to her in her own life? As a new mom, I say thank you to the author for compiling such an intriguing set of life stories that resonate with a 14 year old and helped to “fire-up” real dialogue! – Deborah F., Detroit, Michigan