Last night I attended a meeting of the Willamette Writers, where my friend and mentor Christina Katz was speaking about building a writing platform. Christina has written two excellent books for writers—Writer Mama, How to Raise a Writing Career Alongside Your Kids, and Get Known Before the Book Deal: Use Your Personal Strengths to Grow an Author Platform. During her talk, Christina read a list of all the reasons she could find that people may want to write. That got me to thinking about all the reasons people may want to read. Here’s what I came up with. It’s a puny list to be sure, so I look forward to reading comments from readers who tell me more.
Reasons to Read:
- To learn something new
- To remember something forgotten
- To relax
- To laugh
- To be enlightened
- To gain perspective
- To be entertained
- To get motivated
- To get sleepy
- To be stimulated
- To learn how to do something
- To pass the time
- To avoid housework
- To gain insight
- To indulge yourself
What’s your reason?