Tweet Conjure up a picture in your mind of someone reading and chances are that person is sitting alone with a book in a chair or on a couch. Much of the time reading is a solitary pursuit, and that … Continue reading
Tag Archives: literacy
Tweet This month in my newsletter I referred to a recent study by Scholastic, Inc. that discovered a few interesting things about kids, reading, and their parents’ concerns about technology. The Scholastic Study found that from age 6 – 17, … Continue reading
Tweet is a site created by author Bill Zimmerman that helps to engage reading learners in fun activities that lead to literacy. The site allows anyone to create their own comic strips. There are also resources for teachers and … Continue reading
Tweet Book Bundlz, one of my favorite sites talking about books, book clubs and literacy, features an article this month from Dawn Little, who founded the website, Links to The article includes tips on what you can do in … Continue reading
Tweet A recent column by David Brooks in the New York Times cites a study where researchers sent books home with disadvantaged students for summer reading. After doing this for three years, they found that these students had significantly higher … Continue reading