Book Review: Longburrow: Podkin One-Ear by Kieran Larwood

Longburrow cover imageA storyteller arrives at a cozy warren on a blustery holiday eve. As he warms himself by the fire, little ones and adults gather around to hear his tale. It’s a story of an ordinary rabbit who achieves great things, Podkin One-Ear, and his journey to becoming a hero. The tale is full of villains, chases through the forest, daring escapes and other adventures. It captivates the storyteller’s audience to the end and leaves them wanting more.

So unfolds Longburrow: Podkin One-Ear, the first in a series by Kieran Larwood. It’s an imaginative story that should captivate young readers the same way the storyteller enthralls his audience. Podkin, who starts out as a lazy boy who just wants to avoid his lessons, is relatable as someone who is thrust into danger and must rise to the occasion. His sister and younger brother are key characters in the story as well, and all three have lots of room to grow as the series unfolds.

Longburrow should appeal to those who love the Redwall series as well as anyone who likes a good adventure sprinkled with humor. David Wyatt’s illustrations are perfect for the story, showing the gritty world where Podkin lives in great detail. I recommend Longburrow for mother-daughter book clubs and any readers aged 9 to 12.

The publisher provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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